I possibly know who he is and where he lives if 2 months of 1 hour a week research pays off? alot of people want to know/ see him although this data is old possible he moved or died? Although i can't reveal it here due to NG rules i think. Maybe i would tell someone somewhere else somewhere where i can't get banned?
GOT YA you wish none know who the fuck in hell he is if hes even a he? He seems to draw well and hes cool
Look at me Ive got my first decent post in awhile...What this isnt intersting to you? well...not much i can do about that...Unless i rickroll you...crap...how do i do that again...wait who the hell are you why are you reading this no im not trying to be funny! STOP READING ThisN00b LOLOLOLOL
yeah i felt like trolling today have a problem? then go fap to your porn
Umyour porbly wondering:WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPEND?
well ill tell you
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJY RHA0
i dont know if i was high or what the fuck there this was mostly for the lol's